Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still breathing.

Something terrible happened today. Well, not exactly something physical or something huge or really bad, but well it had taken a blow emotionally wise. Definitely not the right timing for all this. I'm obviously still sulking around, if not, I wouldn't be here blogging. Will probably be studying or sleeping but of course, I really appreciate all the effort my friends put into what they are doing now, attempting to cheer me back up! Gah! I'm okay, just a little break down. Will survive, still breathing ain't I??

Quite some friends had been asking me what I had been up to these days. Sorry for those I ffk-ed God-knows-how-many-times & for those I hadn't been around to meet up with! For the month back, I was busy being my brother's wedding organiser, everything went well, thank you very much. Then my brother flew back to Hong Kong for some business stuff, leaving my sis-in-law with me which obviously leaded to more food & shopping. Other than that, I'm mostly with my few besties, not doing much, just hanging around few of my favourite places for a drink or two and yummylicious food, plain-old-fashioned-chilling. And times with my Subang fellows! All of us wanted to study all the time but well, we always ended up chatting and doing silly stuffs or just hanging around. Thinking back, its had been almost 3 years. Holding on tight, they are friends that are tough to find. True treasure.

If you don't get what I'm trying to say, its normal. This post is just pure random babbling. Mood still deep down the pit. Ewww.


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