Thursday, February 4, 2010

Peace please?

I paid a visit to this hidden beach today. Its definitely no tourist spot & with the raging sun in the noon, there's not a single soul at the beach with the exception of one or two cars parked in the shaded area. I had been here only once in the past but it managed to leave deep memories in me. Drove here alone, parked & got down, found myself a spot facing the ocean & somehow, it got me thinking but all the thoughts & memories just flashed through my mind, never stayed for long & before long, my brain became an empty, blank piece. A feeling of peace washed over me, something I hadn't been feeling for long, even though it only last for a precious 10 minutes before the brain starts working again. There's so many unanswered question, unsorted problems waiting for me. I'm determined to sort out this messed up life of mine.

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