Friday, August 7, 2009

Hate getting hopes up because at the end, the disappointment is so much greater. And it feels terrible.

Went through a low-self-esteem-mood last night. Thanks Nen *I miss you larh! Come back faster!* for talking through me though. He was pissed at me wasting time over all this so-called-wet-wet-water matters & dumped the "life-time-duration-theory" on me. I remember that's what Soo always do when she first knew me. She would come with a calculator & start deducting & deducting that sometimes the figures ended up at negative which is so not going to happen. Anyway its a shitty theory but me likey =) My life revolves around studies these days, going for lectures & labs, writting up reports & essays. But I get to do things I like *most of the time* & its really really interesting. If you're wondering what I'm studying, well, I can tell you it revolves around plants & animals, abiotic & biotic components such as the soil, pH, water, air, etc. The basics of what you see in Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery, etc. Heard most of the guys went Maison *or whatever its called now since it reopened/renovated* last night & I'm sorry that I can't make it k? Too tired the club, spent the whole day hunting for lappies & ended up getting back the same one that I left @ Melbourne. I'll make it up to you guys next Friday. Can't wait. My little-always-act-macho-yet-silly-Tiong is turning 21! House party for everyone =) Booze, crazy people, nice music, etc. Sounds promising for now. But the most important? A great bunch of friends being together. It had been so so long.

Back to my chemistry lab report. Its due 5.00 p.m. today. Better hurry.

Loves =) Hugs & kisses for my sweet stuffs *which practically includes all my honey, darling, dear, babes, woman, etc.*

p/s: I know its silly but my mind can't stop thinking about it & hopes still up. I'm such an idiot.

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