Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tiong's Birthday @ CocoBanana

Tiong a.k.a. Disable (in our "family") a.k.a. my very bery good friend over at Monash is finally 20! Happi Burfday MAN!!! He didn't want us to know it's his burfday.. Telling Bryan that he wanna give himself a surprise party.. He's a weirdo & thats why I love him so much.. & He's a amazing popper himself.. Clear the whole dance floor up.. Sapu kao kao.. But didn't get to record it down as there was a huge crowd surrounding him.. End up.. I could only get a video when he was dancing for fun & I can tell you.. What he did in the video is just like what? 10% of his dancing skill?

Was emo the whole day.. Feeling down.. Hang out over at Yang's saloon.. As usual, yamcha around, chill around at Ken's studio & dota.. Ken was trying on cap for like 15 minutes ==" Vain la tu.. Anyway Ken dropped me over at CocoBanana when he was on his way to BarCelona to spin for the night..My birthday boy =) No pressies for him, but the cake is a gift from me, Boy & his gurl =) I gotta walk all the way to buy the cake cox I got no car & it was like almost the bakery's closing time.. Lucky Max decided to drop me off to buy even though it was freaking jam!!
This silly boy love posting.. Hiao hiao!
Below is the video of my hiao boi dancing while he was a lil high over at the dancefloor.. Gg.. The video might not show exactly what I wanted to show you guys.. But I can tell you.. He's good!! & I love his magician friend~~

Met with lots of people.. They are friendly =) It's saddening that I had to leave early.. But still.. If there's fate.. We'll of cox ada chance untuk keluar lagi la man!

To my dear friend, you're one of the best among all my guy friends although you never treat me as a woman beside calling me "WOMAN"! I'm sure I'll see more of you when exam's approaching.. Meanwhile you're in Kuantan, enjoy your birthday with your mom & your beloved lao po!!! Although it's a saddenning thought that I didn't get to know you last year over @ Sunway, but it's never too late.. At least I get to know you now at Monash^^!

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